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The Sacred Liturgy

"In obedience to her Founder's behest, the Church prolongs the priestly mission of Jesus Christ mainly by means of the sacred liturgy. She does this in the first place at the altar, where constantly the sacrifice of the cross is represented[Council of Trent Sess. 22, c. 1] and with a single difference in the manner of its offering, renewed.[Cf. Council of Trent Sess. 22, c. 2] She does it next by means of the sacraments, those special channels through which men are made partakers in the supernatural life. She does it, finally, by offering to God, all Good and Great, the daily tribute of her prayer of praise. “What a spectacle for heaven and earth,” observes Our predecessor of happy memory, Pius XI, “is not the Church at prayer! For centuries without interruption, from midnight to midnight, the divine psalmody of the inspired canticles is repeated on earth; there is no hour of the day that is not hallowed by its special liturgy; there is no state of human life that has not its part in the thanksgiving, praise, supplication and reparation of this common prayer of the Mystical Body of Christ which is His Church!”[Caritate Christi, May 3, 1932]" -Venerable Pope Pius XII, Mediator Dei, 20 November 1947


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The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass


The Divine Office


The Sacrament of Baptism


The Sacrament of Confirmation


The Sacrament of Penance


The Sacrament of Matrimony


The Sacrament of Holy Orders


The Sacrament of Extreme Unction



The History of Advent

The Mystery of Advent

Practices During Advent


The Great Antiphons
O Sapientia
O Adonai
O Radix Jesse
O Clavis David
O Oriens
O Rex Gentium
O Emmanuel


The History of Christmas
The Mystery of Christmas
Practices During Christmas


The History of Septuagesima
The Mystery of Septuagesima
Practices During Septuagesima


The History of Lent
The Mystery of Lent
Practices During Lent


The History of Passiontide and Holy Week
The Mystery of Passiontide and Holy Week
Practices During Passiontide and Holy Week


The History of Paschal Time
The Mystery of Paschal Time
Practices During Paschal Time


The History of the Time After Pentecost
The Mystery of the Time After Pentecost
Practices During the Time After Pentecost


Know Your Liturgical Colors


The Requiem Mass


Ember Days


Rogation Days


The Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Savior


The Finding of the Holy Cross





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