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Holy Women

Who shall find a valiant woman? far and from the uttermost coasts is the price of her.” -Proverbs 31:10

Hymn for the Common of Feasts of Holy Women

High let us all our voices raise
In that heroic woman’s praise
Whose name, with saintly glory bright,
Shines in the starry realms of light.

Filled with a pure celestial glow,
She spurned all love of things below;
And heedless here on earth to stay,
Climbed to the skies her toilsome way.

With fasts her body she subdued,
But filled her soul with prayer’s sweet food:
In other worlds she tastes the bliss
For which she left the joys of this.

O Christ, the strength of all the strong;
To whom our holiest deeds belong!
Through her prevailing prayers on high,
In mercy hear thy people’s cry!

To God the Father, with the Son,
And Holy Spirit, Three in One,
Be glory while the ages flow,
From all above, and all below.

Saint Rita of Cascia
Saint Bridget of Sweden


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