“Pretiósa in conspéctu Dómini. Mors Sanctórum eius.”
(Precious in the Sight of the Lord is the Death of His Saints)
Hymn for Matins on the Feast of a Martyr
Christo profusum sanguinem, Et Martyrum victorias, Dignamque caelo lauream Laetis sequamur vocibus.
Terrore victo saeculi, Poenisque spretis corporis, Mortis sacrae compendio Vitam beatam possident.
Traduntur igni Martyres, Et bestiarum dentibus: Armata saevit ungulis Tortoris insani manus.
Nudata pendent viscera, Sanguis sacratus funditur: Sed permanent immobiles Vitae perennis gratia.
Te nunc Redemptor quaesumus, Ut martyrum consortio Iungas precantes servulos In sempiterna saecula. Amen. |
The martyrs’ triumphs let us sing, Their blood poured forth for Christ the King, And while due hymns of praise we pay, Our thankful hearts cast grief away.
The world its terrors urged in vain; They recked not of the body’s pain; One step, and holy death made sure The life that ever shall endure.
To flames the martyr saints are hailed; By teeth of savage beasts assailed; Against them, armed with ruthless brand And hooks of steel, their torturers stand.
The mangled frame is tortured sore, The holy life-drops freshly pour; They stand unmoved amidst the strife, By grace of everlasting life.
Redeemer, hear us of thy love, That, with the martyr host above, Hereafter, of thine endless grace, thy servants also may have place. Amen. |
You can read the 1962 edition of the Roman Martyrology daily here by looking at the hour of Prime: Divinum Officium
Or you can read an updated one here by itself out of the context of the office: Martyrology
Or you can actually purchase an very nice edition of the 1962 in an English translation here: Fraternity Publications
Saint Alphonsus Maria de Ligouri’s: The Victories of the Martyrs
Saint Prisca
Saints Marius, Martha, Audifax, and Abachum
Saint Sebastian
Saint Agnes
Saint Agatha
Saint Cecilia
Saint Anastasia
Saint Dorothy
Saints Vincent and Anastasius
Saint Polycarp of Smyrna
Saint Martina
Saint Blase
Saint Apollonia
Saints Faustinus and Jovita
Saint Simeon of Jerusalem
Saints Perpetua and Felicity
The Forty Holy Martyrs
Saint Hermenegild
Saints Tiburtius, Valerian and Maximus Martyrs..
Saint George
Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen Martyr
Saint Peter Martyr
Saints Alexander, Eventius and Theodulus
Saint Stanislaus
Saints Nereus, Achilleus, Domitilla Virgin, and Pancras
Saint Venantius
Saint Marcellinus, Peter, and Elmo
Saint Boniface
Saint Primus and Felician
Saint Vitus, Modestus, and Crescentia
Saints Mark and Marcellianus
Saint Gervase and Protase
Saints John and Paul
The Seven Holy Brothers
Saint Apollinaris
Saint Pantaleon
Saints Nazarius, Celsus, and Pope Victor I
Saint Felix, Simplicius, Faustinus, and Beatrice
The Holy Machabees
Saint Lawrence
Saint Gorgonius
Saint Protus and Hyacinth
Pope Saint Cornelius and Saint Cyprian of Carthage
Saint Lucy
Saint Januarius
Saint Thecla
Saints Cyprian and Justina
Saints Cosmas and Damian
Saint Wenceslaus Duke
Saint Placid
Saints Chrysanthus and Daria
The Four Holy Crowned Martyrs
Saint Josaphat
Saint Chrysogonus
Saint Catherine of Alexandria
Saint Bibiana
Saint Eusebius
Saint Thomas (a Becket) of Canterbury
Saint Basil of Ancyra