“And when day was come, he called unto him his disciples; and he chose twelve of them whom also he named apostles. Simon, whom he surnamed Peter, and Andrew his brother, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew, Matthew and Thomas, James the son of Alpheus, and Simon who is called Zelotes, And Jude, the brother of James, and Judas Iscariot, who was the traitor.” -Luke 6:13-16
“Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of God…” -Ephesians 1:1
Hymn for the Feast of an Apostle from the Divine Office
Now let the earth with joy resound,
And heaven the chant re-echo round;
Nor heaven nor earth too high can raise
The great Apostles’ glorious praise.
O ye who, throned in glory dread,
Shall judge the living and the dead,
Lights of the world forevermore!
To you the suppliant prayer we pour.
Ye close the sacred gates on high;
At your command apart they fly:
Oh! loose for us the guilty chain
We strive to break, and strive in vain.
Sickness and health your voice obey;
At your command they go or stay:
From sin’s disease our souls restore;
In good confirm us more and more.
So when the world is at its end,
And Christ to judgement shall descend,
May we be called those joys to see
Prepared from all eternity.
Praise to the Father, with the Son,
And Holy Spirit, Three in One;
As ever was in ages past,
And so shall be while ages last.
Saint Peter
Saint Paul
Saint Andrew
Saint James
Saint John
Saint Philip
Saint Matthew
Saint James the son of Alpheus