Sacred Scripture
Pope Saint Damasus
The Liturgical Year Dom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B. December 11th Pope Saint Damasus Confessor This great Pontiff comes before us in the liturgical year, not to bring […]
Ecumenical Council, Faith, Heresy, Sacred Scripture, Saints -
Quotes On Sacred Scripture
“[It has been decided] that nothing except the canonical scriptures should be read in the Church under the name of the divine scriptures. But the canonical scriptures are: Genesis, Exodus, […]
Faith, Quotations, Sacred Scripture, Theology -
Saint Mark the Evangelist
The Liturgical YearDom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B.April 25Saint MarkEvangelistThe Cycle of holy mother Church brings before us to-day, the Lion, who, together with the Man, the Ox and the Eagle, stands […]
Sacred Scripture, Saints -
Saint Timothy
On the 24th of January, on the eve of the feast of the Conversion of the great Apostle to the Gentiles: Saint Paul, we celebrate one of his favorite disciples: […]
Devotion, Liturgy, Sacred Scripture, Saints -
Lost in Translation
Lost in Translation A Brief Commentary on the Issues with Modern Translations of Biblical and Liturgical Texts into English by Servus Immaculatae Ever since God scattered the peoples of the […]
Ecumenical Council, Heresy, History, Liturgy, Modernism, Sacred Scripture, Text, Theology