Spiritual Reading - 2. page
Saint Gertrude the Great
In the Roman Calendar there are five Saints who bear the title: “the Great”. These illustrious few are composed of first two Bishops: Saint Basil the Great and Saint Albert […]
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Saint Teresa of Avila
The great Saint celebrated on the 15th October is one of those amazing individuals who changed the course of history and who has had such a profound effect even on […]
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Saint Francis Borgia
Online Texts:-The Life of St. Francis Borgia of the Society of Jesus, by A.M. Clarke -Spiritual works of Saint Francis Borgia The Liturgical Year Dom Prosper Gueranger, O.S.B. […]
Saints, Spiritual Reading, Text -
Saint Matthew the Apostle and Evangelist
Resources: The Great Commentary of the Rev. Fr. Cornelius a Lapide, S.J. –Volume I – Matthew I-IX–Volume II – Matthew X-XXI–Volume III – Matthew XXII-XXVIII & Mark The Catena Aurea, […]
Saints, Spiritual Reading, Text -
Saints on the Saints
The very best books on the Saints are those written by the Saints. Not to say this is true in every instance, but rather as a general principle. Now these […]
Devotion, Saints, Spiritual Reading, Text -
On Bad Books
“One bad book is enough to destroy an entire convent of holy nuns.” -Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguori An Excerpt from the Encyclical Mirari Vos of Pope Gregory XVI […]
Spiritual Reading -
Pope Saint Pius X on Spiritual Reading
Note: Though this was written to priests it is still very applicable to even the average lay faithful. We are all called to be saints after all. Excerpt from the […]
Spiritual Reading -
Three Books that Will Change Your Life
There are any number of good books that one can read and that will have a favorable influence upon you. As Catholics we have a duty to be reading only […]
Devotion, Jesus, Mary, Spiritual Reading, Text -
Saint Alphonsus Liguori On Spiritual Reading
The True Spouse of Jesus Christ by Saint Alphonsus Maria de Liguor, Bishop and Doctor of the Church On Spiritual Reading To a spiritual life the reading […]
Spiritual Reading
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