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QOTD: The Failings of Rulers

“Time testifies to the truth of these assertions. When rulers were men filled with the spirit of God, such as Recaredo, St. Ferdinand, Cisneros and Isabel the Catholic, little was said about truth and virtue, and much done. In times of unbelief, statesmen have withdrawn from God, at any rate they do not want Him at their side while they legislate. You cannot deny their talent, for they are scholars and doctors and speak with fascinating eloquence; but good sense is lacking. In their minds there is light, but it is an artificial light, which stupefies and dazzles, killing the noble energies of the souls of individuals and of nations. Ah! it is because these minds have not God; and if the mind that hath God wanteth nothing, the mind bereft of Him has scarcely anything of avail.” –Blessed Lucas of Saint Joseph, O.C.D. – Saint Teresa’s Bookmark: A Meditative Commentary, 1919


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