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Can Abortion Ever Be Ended?

Can Abortion Ever Be Ended?

Author: Servus Immaculatae

“Therefore take unto you the armour of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and to stand in all things perfect. Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of justice,  And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace: In all things taking the shield of faith, wherewith you may be able to extinguish all the fiery darts of the most wicked one. And take unto you the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit (which is the word of God).  By all prayer and supplication praying at all times in the spirit; and in the same watching with all instance and supplication for all the saints” (Ephesians 6:13-18)

On January 22nd, 2014 for the fortieth time faithful Catholics and others who believe that abortion is evil gathered to March for Life.  Now forty is a biblical number, and one which often denotes a period of exile or suffering.  It was for forty years that the Israelites wandered in the desert on their journey from Egypt to the promised land, even though it was a trip that could have been made in a matter of weeks or months.  It was because of their unfaithfulness that they were punished in this way.  And if one follows their whole history in the Old Testament these forty year periods pop up again and again.  The people are faithful and there are good times and many blessings from God and then they forget God and they are abandoned for forty years to suffer until they finally remember God and repent of their sins.


It was for forty centuries that the whole world had to wait after the sin of Adam before the New Adam, Christ our Lord, came to save us. And He chose to do it at a time when the great Roman Empire was at its height and at peace.  Yet this empire was one filled with devil worshipers.  Sins of impurity were at their worst point in all of human history, and (with the exception of our own day) it is the only time in history that so called homosexual marriage was practiced and approved of by the populace and even the Emperor (Nero) took part in such things.  Worse than that abortion and infanticide were commonplace.  It was into this world that our Lord came to convert it and to save it.


And who did our Lord choose to do the principle work of the conversion of this pagan, devil worshiping, gentile Empire?  Indeed it was his own worst enemy, and his conversion was so amazing that every year we celebrate a feast day (January 25th) in honor of that very event, for it is on that day that we celebrate the conversion of the glorious Apostle Saint Paul.


This man was a Jew, one of the chosen people, and he was devout.  He it was who looked on as Saint Stephen was stoned to death and became the first martyr.  And from thence he went on to become one of the most viscous persecutors of the early Church.  His own Gospel writer, companion, and friend who he would later convert: the Evangelist Saint Luke, records in his Acts of the Apostles just before his conversion the fact of his murderous intent:

“Saul, as yet breathing out threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest, And asked of him letters to Damascus, to the synagogues: that if he found any men and women of this way, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.” (Acts 9:1-2)

the remainder of Chapter 9 then shows the glorious way in which our Lord converted Saint Paul.  But how did this happen?  What won this incredible grace for Saint Paul to be converted in such an amazing way?  I believe, along with others much holier and learned than I, that it was the prayer of Saint Stephen.  And if Saul can become Saint Paul by the prayers of a holy Deacon why cannot we cause the conversion of those who seek to persecute and even destroy holy much Church today?


Why has our country suffered for forty years this terrible scourge of abortion?  It is the lack of faithfulness of Catholics.  We have not made ourselves channels of grace for our country, but instead we have allowed ourselves to be swept away by the modern pagan culture.  We have been swept away in the tide of impurity, intemperance, indifference toward God, and a constant desire to be entertained.  God has given us everything we have and when we sinned and lost His grace He came to earth to die for us so that we could have it back and one day, God willing, enter into Heaven.


Yet we have not even begun to make a return.  We have failed to offer up well made Holy Communions in reparation for the sins of our country and the conversion of it’s leaders.  Neither have we spent hours in adoration before our Lord in reparation for the outrages committed against Him in so many ways.  We have neglected His mother too and have failed to put our trust in her and the beautiful Psalter she gave us: the Most Holy Rosary.  Certainly, we have been very remiss in our duty to offer up prayer and acts of penance for these same intentions.


Abortion, homosexual marriage, and the persecution of Catholics will continue until we are converted and begin living as we ought.  Once that is accomplished, and we are true channels of grace that our Lord may pour out His blessings on our country through us, only then can our country be converted and it’s leaders converted.


For too long we have become whining complainers who seek to treat the symptoms with legal action against those who treat us badly.  We have forgotten that we are called to be saints and what that really means for us in our everyday lives.  It isn’t easy and it’s going to hurt, but it will be worth it:

 “I reckon that the sufferings of this time are not worthy to be compared with the glory to come, that shall be revealed in us.” (Rom. 8:18)

We are dealing with a deeply spiritual battle and one we are losing because we do not have good spiritual lives.  We are not living holy lives and we are not praying nearly enough.  We have not offered up our lives to God, for no matter what state of life we are in we can offer up each and every action to God and do it for love of Him and for this we will gain great merit and can do much toward making real reparation for our sins, those of our family, of our nation, and of the members of our Holy Church who have not been faithful to Christ.

Let us now begin to make reparation to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus and His Holy Face and to the Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of His Mother the ever Blessed Virgin Mary, and let us start today and persevere in this before it is too late for our country and God brings down his chastisement upon us.

Here a Doctor of the Church explains how this may be done…

If we wish to be pleasing to the Lord, we must remove the cause of His anger, which is sin. The man sick of the palsy besought Jesus Christ to restore the health of his body; but, before granting his request, our Lord first restored his soul’s health by giving him sorrow for his sins, and then saying to him: Be of good heart, son; thy sins are forgiven thee. —– Matth. 9:2. St. Thomas says that the Redeemer first removed the cause of his infirmity, namely, his sins, and then freed him from the infirmity itself. “He asked for the health of the body, and the Lord gave him the health of the soul; because, like a good physician, he wished to take away the root of the evil.” —–In Matth. 9. Sin is the root of every evil, as we find in St. Bernardine of Sienna. Hence the Lord after having healed him, warned him against sin in these words: Go thy way, and sin no more, lest something worse befall thee. —–John 5:14. Ecclesiasticus said the same before our Lord: My son, in thy sickness . . . cleanse thy heart from sin, . . . and then give place to the physician. —–Ecclus. 38:9. You must first apply to the physician of the soul in order that He may free you from your sins, and then to the physician of the body that he may cure you of your disease.

In a word, the cause of all our chastisements is sin; and still more than sin, our obstinacy in it, as St. Basil says. We have offended God, and are, notwithstanding, unwilling to do penance. When God calls by the voice of His punishment, He desires that He should be heard; if He be not, He shall be compelled by ourselves to curse us: But if thou wilt not hear the voice of the Lord thy God . . . all these curses shall come upon thee; . . . cursed shalt thou be in the city, cursed in the field. —–Deut. 28:15. When we offend God, we provoke all creatures to punish us. St. Anselm says that in the same manner as a servant, when he offends his master, draws down upon him the wrath, not only of his master, but of the whole family; so we, when we offend God, excite against us the anger of all creatures. And St. Gregory says that we have more especially irritated against us those creatures which we have made use of against our Creator. God’s mercy holds in those creatures that they may not afflict us, but when He sees that we make no account of His threats, and continue to live on in our former way, He will then make use of those creatures to take vengeance on us for the injuries we have done Him: He will arm the creature for the revenge of His enemies. And the whole world shall fight with Him against the unwise. —–Wisd. 5:18. “There is no creature,” says St. John Chrysostom, “which will not feel anger when it sees its Lord in anger.”

If then, my brethren, we do not appease God by our conversion, we never shall be free from chastisement. What folly, says St. Gregory, could be more extreme than to imagine that God should cease to chastise before we should have ceased to offend? Many now come to the church, and hear the sermon, but go away without confession, or change of life. If we do not remove the cause of the scourge, how can we expect to be delivered from the scourge itself. Such is the reflection of St. Jerome. We continue to irritate God, and then wonder that God should continue to chastise us. “Impure as we are,” says Salvian, “we wonder why we should be so miserable.” Do we think that God is appeased by the mere circumstance of our appearing at church without repenting of our sins, without restoring the property or character of our neighbor, without avoiding those occasions of sin which keep us at a distance from God? Ah, let us not mock the Lord! And now do not mock, lest your bonds be tied strait. —–Is. 28:22. Do not mock God, says the prophet, lest those bonds which are securing you for Hell be tied strait. Cornelius a Lapide, in commenting on the above passage of Isaias, says that when the fox is caught in the snare, its efforts to disengage itself only serve to entangle it the more. “So also will it happen to sinners who, while mocking at God’s threats and punishments, become more and more involved in them.” My brethren, let us have done; let us no more irritate God; the chastisement is near at hand: For I have heard of the Lord the God of Hosts, continues the prophet, a consumption, and a cutting short upon all the earth. I am not the prophet Isaias, but I can say that I see the scourge which is hanging over us if we do not be converted.

–Saint Alphonsus Maria de Ligouri; Six Discourses on Natural Calamities, Divine Threats, and the Four Gates of Hell; Fifth Discourse

Litany of Reparation


(taken from: Vultus Christi)


Lord, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us

Christ, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, hear us.
Christ, hear us.

Christ, graciously hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

God the Father of Heaven,
Have mercy on us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
Have mercy on us.

God the Holy Spirit,
Have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, One God,
Have mercy on us.

Sacred Host, offered for the salvation of sinners,
Have mercy on us.

Sacred Host, annihilated on the altar for us and by us,
Have mercy on us.

Sacred Host, despised by lukewarm Christians,
Have mercy on us.

Sacred Host, mark of contradiction,
Have mercy on us.

Sacred Host, delivered over to unbelievers and heretics,
Have mercy on us.

Sacred Host, insulted by blasphemers,
Have mercy on us.

Sacred Host, Bread of angels, given to animals,
Have mercy on us.

Sacred Host, flung into the mud and trampled underfoot,
Have mercy on us.

Sacred Host, dishonored by unfaithful priests,
Have mercy on us.

Sacred Host, forgotten and abandoned in Thy churches,
Have mercy on us.

Be merciful unto us,
Pardon us, O Lord.

Be merciful unto us,
Hear us, O Lord.

For the outrageous contempt of this most wonderful Sacrament,
We offer Thee our reparation.

For Thine extreme humiliation in Thine admirable Sacrament,
We offer Thee our reparation.

For all unworthy Communions,
We offer Thee our reparation.

For the irreverences of wicked Christians,
We offer Thee our reparation.

For the profanation of Thy sanctuaries,
We offer Thee our reparation.

For the holy ciboriums dishonored and carried away by force,
We offer Thee our reparation.

For the continual blasphemies of impious men,
We offer Thee our reparation.

For the obduracy and treachery of heretics,
We offer Thee our reparation.

For the unworthy conversations carried on in Thy holy temples,
We offer Thee our reparation.

For the profaners of Thy churches
which they have desecrated by their sacrileges,

We offer Thee our reparation.
That it may please Thee to increase in all Christians

the reverence due to this adorable Mystery,
we beseech Thee, hear us.

That it may please Thee to manifest the Sacrament
of Thy Love to heretics,
we beseech Thee, hear us.

That it may please Thee to grant us
the grace to atone for their hatred
by our burning love for Thee,
we beseech Thee, hear us.

That it may please Thee
that the insults of those who outrage Thee
may rather be directed against ourselves,
we beseech Thee, hear us.

That it may please Thee graciously
to receive this our humble reparation,
we beseech Thee, hear us.

That it may please Thee to make our adoration acceptable to Thee,
we beseech Thee, hear us.

Pure Host,
hear our prayer.

Holy Host,
hear our prayer.

Immaculate Host,
hear our prayer.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Spare us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Graciously hear us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us.

V. See, O Lord, our affliction,
R. And give glory to Thy Holy Name.

Let us pray.

O Lord Jesus Christ, Who dost deign to remain with us
in Thy wonderful Sacrament unto the end of the world,
in order to give eternal glory to Thy Father,
by the perpetual oblation of Thy Passion,
and to give to us the Bread of life everlasting:
Grant us, we beseech Thee, the grace to mourn,
with a heart full of sorrow,
over the injuries which Thou hast received
in this adorable Mystery,
and over the many sacrileges
which are committed by the impious and by heretics,
and even alas, by weak, ignorant, and wicked Catholics.
Inflame us with an ardent zeal
to repair all the ignominies to which,
in Thine infinite mercy,
Thou hast preferred to expose Thyself
rather than deprive us of Thy Presence on our altars,
Who with God the Father
and the Holy Spirit
livest and reignest one God,
world without end.


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